Blog Author: Elly Johnson

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Elly Johnson

Elly Johnson stands at the forefront of content research and online branding at Utopia Management. As the Content Marketing Manager, she delves deep into understanding local real estate and rental markets, fueled by her passion for travel and keen research skills. Elly is dedicated to empowering individuals with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about where to reside. A proud alumna of the University of South Florida, located in the vibrant heart of Tampa Bay, she holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. Her academic background and extensive travel experiences uniquely position her to provide insights that resonate with diverse audiences.

Navigating Insurance for Rental Properties: A Guide for Landlords

23 Feb 2024

Owning and renting out properties can be a lucrative investment, but can come with plenty of responsibilities and risks attached. This is where insurance comes into play, protecting you, your property, and your tenants from unforeseen events. Understanding how to navigate and select the right insurance for you and your properties is essential so that you are prepared for the unexpected. Let’s dive in. …

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Tips for Handling Property Maintenance Requests Quickly and Efficiently

23 Feb 2024

A major facet of owning and renting out properties is maintaining them and quickly addressing any issue that may arise. Effective and timely maintenance response is not only crucial to the success of your business and the satisfaction of your tenants but also to the longevity and value of your properties. There are ways to streamline the process to ensure requests get addressed and …

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Building a Successful Partnership: A Guide to Effective Teamwork Between Landlords and Property Managers

06 Feb 2024

Purchasing a rental property can be a lucrative investment, but also comes with countless responsibilities that can get out of hand. Hiring a property manager while maintaining a collaborative and communicative partnership can lead to smoother and more efficient operations and ultimately lead to a more profitable investment. Forging this strong relationship with your property manager is just as important as the relationship with …

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5 Benefits of Online Rent Collection

06 Feb 2024

Managing rental properties comes with a myriad of responsibilities, with rent collection being one of the more important duties. The traditional methods of paying rent with checks in the mail or stopping by a leasing office are becoming outdated, and more landlords are turning to digital methods to streamline this task. Efficient rent collection is crucial for the vitality of your business, and automated …

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Implementing Smart Technology in Your Rental Properties

06 Feb 2024

Smart technology has become a seamless integration in our daily lives and offers us both convenience and efficiency. Whether it’s a speaker that interacts by voice command, or an activity tracker in your watch that monitors your physical and psychological activity throughout the day, we are constantly looking for innovative tools to make our lives easier. This applies to the ever-evolving landscape of real-estate …

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6 Major Cities Expected to See Real Estate Price Drops

06 Feb 2024

For many, buying a home has felt like it might be out of reach due to the soaring costs of mortgages, interest rates, and insurance. But, according to Zillow, we may be looking at some significant price drops in several major cities between now and November 2024. This forecast is established by Zillow’s Home Value Index which represents the “typical home value for a …

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Seasonal Maintenance for your Rental Property: Preparation for Cold Winters and Hot Summers

22 Jan 2024

As the seasons change, so do the needs of your properties and your tenants. When it comes to extreme heat or frigid cold temperatures, each can come with its challenges, so seasonal maintenance is needed to ensure your properties are in top condition year-round. If you utilize a reliable and professional property management company, they may have you covered, but just in case, it …

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City Highlight: Great Neighborhoods to Call Home In Vancouver, Washington

22 Jan 2024

Vancouver, Washington is nestled into the beautiful Pacific Northwest and has an incredibly diverse profile of neighborhoods, each unique in charm and what they have to offer residents. If you are looking for a quiet and quaint community to raise a family, or are looking for a piece of the action downtown, Vancouver has something to offer everyone. Check out our available rental property …

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5 Benefits of Social Media Marketing for Property Management

22 Jan 2024

Real estate is a fast-paced market, and the name of the game is to get as many eyes on a property as soon as it is listed. Social media has become a powerful tool that integrates community and marketing on one dynamic platform where property owners, managers, renters, and buyers can all interact. Incorporating social media into your marketing strategy offers several benefits that …

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Building Rapport with Tenants: A Guide to Effective Communication

22 Jan 2024

The success of your properties depends on your tenants, so effective communication is vital in achieving a professional and trustworthy relationship. Your property manager will be your first point of contact for some inquiries; you may prefer to be in direct touch with your tenant for other issues. Every landlord has their own style of communication and standard ground rules, but there are a …

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