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How Professional Photographs Boost Your Rental Property Marketing

Imagine that you are looking to rent a home and you find two listings that pique your interest. One includes hasty smartphone snapshots that barely do the home justice, and the second listing features beautifully lit, professionally shot photographs that provide you with a blank slate to imagine your life in that space. Which one are you going to contact first? 

Visual content is key these days, and the old saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” has never been more true when it comes to marketing your rental properties and making a good impression. Do not underestimate the results a pro can achieve compared to your own shots. You can expect to spend $2-300 depending on your region and it’s worth every penny. Here’s why:

More listing views

Renters searching online are 80% more likely to inquire about a listing that contains at least 20 photos. In fact, many listings that have no photos are skipped over entirely. In the fast-paced world of real estate, you only have a few seconds to grab someone’s attention, and providing high-quality photographs will hook a viewer and encourage them to explore further. 

Higher quality tenants

Investing in a photographer who will deliver quality photographs of your rental is more likely to result in higher-quality tenants. Professional images convey professionalism and close attention to detail which indicates that the landlord takes their role seriously. This alone can set the standard for the type of relationship and mutual respect a tenant can expect which is highly appealing to quality individuals looking to rent. Stunning visuals engage quality renters and make the space look more appealing by allowing them to imagine themselves in a well-presented space. 

Shows off full potential

Poor-quality photographs risk decreasing the value of your listing and will not show off the full potential of the property. A skilled photographer will utilize professional lighting, wide shots that capture the full space, and feature special characteristics that make the home unique, and make your property stand out from the sea of competitive listings. The photos of your rental listing should reflect the asking price and the effort that you put in to make this a nice place to live. 

Continue to reuse the same photos (worth the investment)

Purchasing professional photographs of your property can be a tax-deductible expense and they can even be used in the long run. As long as there are no major alterations to the home, these photos can be used for future listings. These photographs can also be used to document the condition of the property at the end of a lease to ensure that the previous tenant left the home exactly as they found it.

Whether you’ve just remodeled a home and want to show off the fresh look to inquiring renters, or you are looking for a more uniform presentation of your rental properties, professional photos are a powerful tool that can take your marketing to the next level.

Elly Johnson stands at the forefront of content research and online branding at Utopia Management. As the Content Marketing Manager, she delves deep into understanding local real estate and rental markets, fueled by her passion for travel and keen research skills. Elly is dedicated to empowering individuals with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about where to reside. A proud alumna of the University of South Florida, located in the vibrant heart of Tampa Bay, she holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. Her academic background and extensive travel experiences uniquely position her to provide insights that resonate with diverse audiences.

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